
Brand Design: Lachetta Steuerberater

I designed and built the brand and website for Sandra Maria Lachetta. The result was an impressive increase in user metrics.

Sandra Maria Lachetta is a tax attorney in Düsseldorf, Germany. Her offerings had grown organically over several years. She now needed a new and fully responsive website, which is also compatible with mobile devices.

We started off by developing identifying a colour scheme.





Lachetta Steuerberater Sabina Schmitz.png
website Sandra Maria Lachetta sabina schmitz.png

I designed her landing pages as well as reworded and defined her services. I took professional pictures and retouched them for her website and marketing materials.

Portrait photography

In addition, I redesigned her business cards, documents, and templates for both the analog and digital world.

Business cards and letterhead

Businesscard2 copyleistungen.png
businesscard copyleistungen.png

Do you need to to talk to me about designing and building a brand or website, too? Get in touch